Only Clinic in India Providing this
1. For diagnosis of spine problem: good quality MRI Scan and digital X-ray. For long-distance and outstation patients, we carry out following in one day :-

2. The only clinic in India which makes patients walk comfortably in 1 – 2 hours after spine surgery.
3. The only clinic which has huge OPD patients where all the patients have only spine related problems. Patients with other problems are not given appointment or seen by us.
4. The only hospital where all admitted patients are of spine and no other disease. Thus, the biggest advantage and mental support for any new admitting patient is that they get all information about good result from already admitted spine patients.
5. Only clinic/hospital in India when OPD patients can see many patients comfortably walking immediately after surgery. OPD patients keeps talking to the successfully operated patients and get positive feedback even before they meet the doctor.
6. Only clinic in the world to display this in OPD waiting area.

7. Only spine center in the world to have a few thousand video testimonials on “You tube”. You have to just type – “Dr. Avneesh Gupte” on You Tube.
8. Where fear of spine surgery goes away even before meeting Dr. Avneesh Gupte. Videos of complicated and non-complicated spine surgery patients keep running in the OPD waiting area.
9. The only clinic in the world which allows to meet and discuss with our patients who have undergone similar spine surgery, And that too in huge numbers if you want. You can tell your place from where you have come, we will give a list of successfully treated patients from your place with their phone numbers and addresses. Similarly, If you want to have a list of treated / operated patients of your age group, you are again welcome.
10. Where there is a concession of X-ray, MRI scan; plus very reasonable cost of spine surgery that too with the best results in the world. Reason for this – our goal is not making money but to spread the news in Maharashtra, whole India and across the globe that spine surgeries are not dangerous. Most people know wrong and have unnecessary fear and thus take temporary treatments till they reach the stage of paralysis/ irreversible damage.